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Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2009

There is no way to,,,

"sometimes life seems like chapters of GOODBYES..bye!!, no warnings, just simple goodbyes" They say I change, they say I must change ..they say I’m ok they say something is wrong they all say something they say.. what are you waiting for , what are you doing you ok ?They all say ,say what I must have or do or even what I need. sometimes what someone say is not what is best for you. The fact is that I change the fact is that I had change everyday why because every day I learn something new something that over the years when you put them together you realize how far you made it and how hard the trip has been ,, the road was bumpy, but I guess you never took the time to see that in us in me you still complain about things that do not matter!! that you are missing the big picture, the amazing sun the fact that I am still by your side no matter what you said ,say or do still I’m by your side.. but once again I guess that does not mean a clue to you daily I was waiting for...


"Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But theres also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself is the same person who’s been standing beside you all along.” MY LOVE TODAY 8/27/ IS YOUR B-DAY & I THANKS GOD FOR YOU TODAY AND EVERYDAY YOU ARE MY LIL HEART:)I'm going to tell you that "I love you" In the best way that I can :You are my lil HEART When you look at me in the eyes I catch a glimpse of heaven ,you are the light that makes my darkness disappear When I hold you in my arms I find the Strength that Keeps me Walking!! You are the Hope that keeps me trusting ,the pure Love in My heart.. You are the Shining Star of my sky  My Smile Starts everyday as soon as I see your lil eyes...


esto lo escrivi hace muchos ayos y la persona ala q se lo escrivi esta feliz haora:)pero aqui comparto esa pregunta cuando real mente acava el amor? si es q acava? Cuando acava el amor? “adios amor adios”Nada puedes hacer para cambiar tus errores nada puedes hacer para apagar todo ese dolor que quema dentro de ti , solo te queda esperar a que el tiempo te ayude a olvidar pero Cuando realmente aca el amor cuando ese sentimiento tan grande q le puedes tener a alguien deja d existir cuando acava el amor ? sera caundo el café note sabe igual o cuando el beso deja d saber a miel o talves cuando el te amo se combierte en te quiero ? cuando realmente podemos decir mi Corazon ya no tenesesita para sobrevivir!: Hoy aldespertar note algo estrayo en ti en mi hoy siento que nos diremos “adios amor adios” mis manos sudan un dolor en mi pecho me mata mi voz no logra salir , siento un miedo horrible no se como empezar a decirte adios de solo pensar q me tendre q ir par gamas volver nose como paso co...

how can i move on when I'm still in love (with you)

If you leaving do not forget to leave my heart with a message saying BREAKING IT I HOPE YOU CAN FIX IT I was at my top this pass weekend (rather than smashing something) what better way to deal with that than to go for a walk…to clear my head today…and after doing couple of (home.. related work) I went strolling through the streets of NYC force of habit, So here I was, I began to finish this though.. How do you move on when you're still in love with someone … do you know? tell me how. I bet most of you know what I am talking about been there done that right? Well me too.. When it comes to love I think it doesn’t matter who split who because the grief of the lost (one will feel it more than the other)but both lovers will feel it (I think in their own way .. Some move faster others do not )."love" seems to be the magic no one wants to miss because love will make you do things you normally would not do (Love is that good insanity inside you)Even if the person you fall for t...

El anillo(matrimonio)

El amor llega a tu vida cuando debe llegar, y lo mejor de todo es que ni siquiera lo buscas pues aparece derrepente! "el amtrimonio" algo con lo cual la mayoria de las mujeres Sueñan pues des de muy jovenes comienzan a Soñar con encontrar el llamado "principe azul" ese con el cual seran felices para "siempre". Sere sincera el matrimonio no era algo que me llamara la atencion alcontrario era ese compromiso el cual le huia puedo admitir que es por un poco de inseguridad y miedo ,miedo de noser la persona correct miedo de no estar lista para ese paso pero sobretodo miedo a fallar a que ese compromiso nosea para siempre si no simplemente algo pasagero pero e aprendido que el compromiso no radica en estadisticas o en como le fue a tu amigo o tus propios padres en su matrimonio. Si no que el compromiso radica en uno mismo y en el de la persona que uno ama que no por que a tu amigo le fue mal en el de el a ti te va ir igual y vise versa . El matrimonio lleva mas...


well like every friday i post a new one but today i did know what to write about so i went for a walk not my normal walk i went far from home & tonight walking down Broadway (new york city ) I rememberd something & Standing underneath the moon felt the beating of my heart,i rememberd what my best friend said two days before we know each other almos 10 years now but we've been away from each other for some months. But we stayed connected through the phone and IM when we can. It was funny after all the thngs we could had talk the first topic she came out with was " Settle down" In my mind I went "your sO gOOd sO gOOd like OOoh OOoh damN!Marriage" like friends we do talk about that she is moslty the only one that I trust and most of the time she knows who I love or like. just 2 thoughts came to me does she thinks i am in love?and "omg she is going to get married!!" I was relief to hear she was not going to get married!! but she wanted to know what...

Uni dia sin mi..un dia sin ti? (Suicidio NO es SOLUCION )

"Mi grandeza no reside en no haber caído nunca, sino en haberme levantado siempre" Hace menos de 24 horas platicando con una gran amiga salio este tema "el suicidio" y Curiosamente me acordo de esto que escrivi hace años lo busque y quiero compartirlo por que quizas hai alguien que se sienta o se sintio igual en algun momento. Uni dia sin mi..un dia sin ti? (Suicidio NO es SOLUCION )Hoy es un dia muy extraño dejame te cuento tengo un sentimiento que nunca e sentido y le tengo miedo pero ala vez siento que no.Sabes este sentimiento me a puesto a pensar que seria un dia sin mi! me dice que seria un mundo mejor seria una menos un numero menos en la lista de la vida seria por fin adios al sufrimiento adios a todo pues liberaria a una alma cansada y vacia a un corazon lastimado y sin ganas de latir un dia sin mi seria maravilloso pues a todos los que e lastimado por fin de mi se liberarian.Adios a las mentiras, apariencias y hipocresia,adios a todo lo que me lastima ...